Which Urban Oasis Day Spa Facial Treatment Is Right For You?
An Urban Oasis facial is a multi-purpose skin treatment that includes face masks, exfoliation, cleansing, a facial massage, and selections of creams and lotions. Urban Oasis Day Spa in Nashville has designed various facial treatments to address your skin issues.…
Sun Damage? Try The Urban Oasis Brightening Facial
It feels so good to spend time in the sunshine, but it can take a toll on your skin; those same lovely rays that feel so luxurious also give off ultraviolet (UV) light that damages your skin and causes sunburn.…
How Will An Urban Oasis Professional Treatment Help You Manage Stress?
Stress is all too often just a part of daily life. Our work environments can be demanding, and our home lives can be busy, too. Learning to manage stress is an integral part of staying healthy both mentally and physically.…
Are You Interested In Becoming A Certified Dermaplaning Aesthetician?
No current classes available. Please check back agin soon A growing number of women are learning the benefits dermaplaning has, like increasing their skin glow and giving them a healthy, revitalized look and feel. They’re adding a dermaplaning step to…
How Can I Plan A Spa Party Before The Nashville School Year Begins?
It’s almost time for school to start, and with that comes busier schedules chock full of deadlines and timeframes. We know everyone loves to focus on those educational goals and see them through to achieve them, but it also means…
How Will An Urban Oasis Body Polish Treatment Keep Your Skin Hydrated?
Body polishing is a full-body exfoliation that promotes blood flow, removes dead skin cells, and encourages cell regeneration for healthy new skin. Dry skin can be irritating and troubling, causing you to feel uncomfortable and even unable to enjoy any…
How Can A Foot Soak Complement A Facial?
An Urban Oasis Nashville Foot Soak is simply not-to-be-missed! From the very moment you choose your favorite Foot Soak, you will feel yourself begin to relax, your stress just drifting away. We scrub your feet and calves, finishing with a…
How Facials Can Benefit Your Sun Protection Routine
Here comes the sun! The brightness and warmth of a beautiful summer’s day are one of life’s greatest pleasures. Sunshine both enhances your vitamin D and lifts your spirits, too. After a long, cold season it’s so wonderful to get…
Enhancing a Deep Tissue Massage with CBD
Deep tissue massage is used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries. Sustained pressure is applied using slow, deep strokes that target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. This massage method offers both physical…
Three Products To Use After Dermaplaning
Our skin is exposed to harsh environmental toxins, irritants, and sun damage every single day. This can cause the top layer of skin to appear dull, and make us look older than we are. Dermaplaning clears away those damaged skin…