Why You Probably Need A Foot Soak
We all know how wonderful a tub full of warm water feels for tired feet at the end of a long day of standing or walking, even with nothing added! It soothes your muscles and hydrates the skin of your feet while alleviating all the aches and pains that come from being on your feet for hours. If you are unlucky enough to have to spend time in uncomfortable shoes, too – well, that warm tub is going to be extra inviting. Giving your feet their own bath will help to reduce the swelling and also help with blisters, cuts or toenail issues. If you have to deal with thick calluses, that’s another reason why you probably need a foot soak; softening them in a soak will make them a lot easier to exfoliate away.
If your feet hurt from any of these maladies, you probably need a foot soak! And now that we have you thinking about all the benefits of a foot soak, let’s talk about some of the enhancements that can be made to a healing foot soak to make them even more effective:
- EPSOM SALT FOOT SOAK. Epsom salts are a combination of magnesium and sulfate. It is a compound that can help flush toxins and heavy metals from your skin’s cells as well as helping to reduce inflammation and increase circulation. Pain-reducing ions are released when your feet absorb the magnesium, and your nerves and muscles will then begin to relax and function more normally, while sulfate will target any harmful substances that are hurting your body. If you are suffering from foot odors, fungus, or ingrown toenails, this compound can really ease the pain.
- ESSENTIAL OIL SOAK. Using essential oils in your foot soak can be very beneficial to tired, aching feet. Choosing the antiseptic, antifungal properties of cedarwood oil is a great way to lessen the irritation of athlete’s foot, for example, while using cypress oil is a natural deodorant. Juniper berries are great for aches caused by arthritis, and lavender oil is the go-to for relaxation and is a natural pain reliever, too. Provide your tired feet with a particularly pleasurable experience by adding wintergreen oil to your foot soak; this oil is known for its cooling properties and is also known as nature’s aspirin.
Here at Urban Oasis Nashville, we care about all of you – from head to toe. If you need a foot soak, call us today to schedule an appointment. We have lots of experience with tired, aching feet, and our foot soaks can help to relieve them.
(NOTE: While foot soaks can be relaxing at-home treatments that effectively relieve minor aches and pains, it’s important to know when to see a doctor. Make an appointment if you experience any of the following signs: • Sudden, severe foot pain • Bleeding, bruising or tenderness following a foot injury • Redness or swelling • Foot pain if you have been diagnosed as a diabetic • Pain that lasts longer than seven days)