What's Reiki? What It Is & How It Can Heal | Urban Oasis Spa
woman receiving reiki treatment

What is Reiki? What It Is and How It Can Heal

Reiki is a technique used to heal physical and mental trauma. It is also used to support mental clarity and spiritual well-being. It is a Japanese technique whose meaning comes from the Japanese words“rei,” which refers to a higher intelligence that permeates all living and non-living things, guiding the functioning of the universe, and “Ki,” which refers to the non-physical energy that flows through everything that is alive, including plants, animals, and humans. Ki is called the “life force energy” because of this, and is also known as qi or chi. When these two Japanese words are combined, they become reiki, or “spiritually guided life-force energy”.

A Reiki practitioner is said to channel this life force energy through his or her hands into another to administer. The Reiki will flow through the affected parts of the subject’s energy field and charge them with positive energy, raising awareness in and around the body where any negativity is contained. This is supposed to cause any negative energy to lose its grip, alleviating stress, anxiety, physical pain, sadness, and confusion.

A Reiki treatment can feel like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. It is said to treat the whole person, including body, emotions, mind and spirit – creating many beneficial effects such as relaxation, peacefulness, a feeling of security and wellbeing.

Reiki is a simple, natural and a safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement available to everyone. It has been effective in different cases in helping many illnesses and maladies and most often creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

While Reiki is believed to have come from god, it is not a religion. However, it is important to act and live in a way that promotes harmony with others, according to proponents. The founder of the Reiki system of natural healing, Mikao Usui, recommended that a person practice simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony. These ideals are nearly universal across all cultures.

The simple Ideals of Reiki as discovered by Mikao Usui are as follows:

The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness

The Miraculous Medicine of All Diseases:

    • Just for today, do not anger.
    • Do not worry, and be filled with gratitude.
    • Devote yourself to your work.
    • Be kind to people.
  • Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.

If you are interested in Reiki or any of our other massage and skincare services, come on in today to book an appointment at Urban Oasis Nashville or give us a call at 615 378 7226. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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