The Process of Cupping | Urban Oasis Spa Nashville, Tennessee
cupping machine being used on urban oasis customer's back

What is Cupping? Enlightening People on the Process of Cupping

The ancient form of alternative medicine known as “cupping” is a therapy which involves placing special cups on your skin to create suction. Lasting only a few minutes, this therapy has many purposes, including alleviating pain and inflammation and aiding in better blood flow, relaxation, and an overall feeling of well-being. It’s also used as a type of deep-tissue massage. The cups may be constructed of:

  • Glass
  • Bamboo
  • Earthenware
  • Silicone

Cupping may be growing in popularity, but it’s certainly not new. Research has shown that its use dates back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cultures. The Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest medical textbooks existing in the world today, contains a description of the use of cupping therapy in 1550 B.C.E!

So what exactly is cupping, and what are its massage and spa benefits today? The modern versions of cupping involve using a rubber pump to create a vacuum inside of a small cup (we prefer and utilize glass and silicone cups.) Cupping works, in many ways, as the inverse of a massage. Where a massage focuses on the exertion of pressure, cupping works to pull the skin and tissue upwards into the vacuum created within the cup! The cups can then be moved across the skin, pulling different areas of skin, muscle and tissue up to help promote blood flow to the tissue.

The benefits of cupping even extend to facial treatment! We offer facial cupping, which can serve to reduce puffiness in the face and increase blood flow. For the practice of facial cupping, smaller cups are applied to the skin and worked smoothly across the face and neck, applying light suction to gently raise the facial tissue. This results in increased circulation and a draining of the lymph nodes, resulting in visibly reduced puffiness and healthier skin – and there will be no red circles or bruises left on your face, we promise!

Urban Oasis Nashville also offers cupping therapy for cellulite! Cellulite can generally cause fluid retention, poor circulation and an inefficient lymphatic drainage system. When cupping is applied to the afflicted areas, the increased blood circulation helps break up the fat and toxins that accumulate in cellulite and are worked through the draining of the lymph nodes. Cupping also works to ease the cords connecting skin to muscle, thus reducing fluid build up and allowing for a healthier and cellulite-free skin.

Come on in to Urban Oasis Nashville today to book your first cupping appointment, or give us a call at 615 378 7226!

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