Detox Tips for our Hectic Lives - Urban Oasis Nashville

Detox Tips for our Hectic Lives

relaxed woman receiving shoulder massage Detox your body, mind and soul with these toxin busting tips from Nashville Day Spa, Urban Oasis

Our busy lives lead to pent up stress and aggravation in our bodies. Left un-dealt with, this stress turns to toxins wrecking havoc on our muscles. Lets explore some of the many ways to destress and remove these toxins so that you can free your body, mind and soul. Here are a few relaxation tips from Urban Oasis Day Spa, cheers to a stress free you!

– Meditation and yoga are great stress reducers. These practices help to remove toxins by activating muscles and increasing circulation to bring fresh, oxygen rich blood to your body.

– Take a day or an hour for yourself and get a massage. Massage is known to speed up circulation and detox the body while also relaxing the muscles.

– Get outside for a hike, bike ride or just to play with your kids or the dog. Outdoor activities increase Vitamin D levels, oxygen and blood flow to the brain bringing fresh energy into your body.

Remember- fresh air in toxins out, breathe deep and clear your mind so that you can breathe in the positive!

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